
Fuse season 23/24 - DVS1 & Jennifer Cardini

For the new 23/24 season, we’re introducing no less than DVS1 and Jennifer Cardini as our second international residency duo at Fuse. For a complete year, witness the fusion of two exclusive styles that are obsessed with taking electronic music, in all its forms, to a state-of-the-art level.

For each of our two international residents, we've mapped out three distinct nights at our club:

▫️1 back-to-back: teaming up with an artist of their choice.

▫️1 all night long: taking charge of the dancefloor from beginning to end, solo style.

▫️1 curated night: hand-picking a lineup of their favorite selectors.

Catch their exclusive performances in Belgium only at Fuse during this time. We’re hyped.